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Dead Luke vem dos Estados Unidos e "Running Scared 7" é composto por 4 faixas sujas e ensandecidas. "Gritical" é potente. Uma mistura de Synth-post-punk-disco-noise e o que vier. Funky!
01. Running Scared
02. No Joke
03. Gritical
04. I'm Going Home

Soulwax lembra balada. Balada lembra praia. Ibiza, Saint-Tropez ... Praias brasileiras. Praia brasileira = Balneário Camboriu ou Floripa. Em Balneário, a avenida Atlântica é palco dos mais diversos tipos após cada balada. Exaustos e alucinados, loucos por apenas mais uma noite... Soulwax!
01. Beatles VS Kraftwerk - Tour De Eleanor Rigby
02. Destiny's Child VS Nirvana - Smells Like Booty
03. Kylie Minogue VS Soulwax - Cant Get You Out Of My Kyluss
04. Maceo Parker VS Beastie Boys - Bodymovin' Across The Unbelievable
05. Prodigy VS Beck - Smaxxlaws
06. Basement Jaxx VS The Clash - Magnificent Romeo
07. Salt N' Pepa VS The Stooges - Push It Like A Dog
08. Blackstreet VS Grandmaster Flash - No Message
09. Beastie Boys VS ACDC - Back In Intergalactic
10. Skeelo VS Survivor - I Wish I Was A Tiger
11. Mr Oizo VS Tone-Loc - Flat Cold Medina
12. Destiny's Child VS 10cc - Dreadlock Child
13. Michael Jackson VS Soulwax - Saturday Jeans
14. Alex Gopher VS Prince - Party People
15. Beastie Boys VS Odb - So Watcha Want Your Money

Post-Punk from Germany! Diego é uma grata surpresa em 2008. "Two" é um trabalho próximo ao som que fazem bandas como War Tapes e Editors. "September March" é inspirada, assim como "Echoes" e "Head Down". A melancolia de Sir. Ian Curtis transpira a cada nota. Mas, é em "Free at Last" que a banda deixa sua marca.
"Post Punk und Dark Wave werden hier in ihrer jüngsten Vereinigung zu finsterem, eingängigem und strahlendem Pop. Das Quintett hat Tiefgang und Größe und klingt erstaunlich international. Eine Band also, die nicht nur Schubladendenken bedient, sondern auch noch miese Plattitüden aus dem Rezensenten herauszukitzeln vermag. Egal, denn mit „Two“ ist Diego ein wahrlich gutes Album gelungen. Nur darum geht es, nur das begeistert. "
Ganzen Artikel lesen
01 September March 04:21
02 Fan City 02:39
03 Free at Last 03:30
04 Echoes 03:59
05 Isolation 05:36
06 Head Down 03:36
07 42/43 04:57
08 Misery Loves Company 03:32
09 Heaven Over Milano 03:01
10 Dance 04:28
11 Me Vs. Music 03:50

The Cheaters é uma banda norueguesa, mais especificamente, da capital Oslo. "The Cheaters", o album, traz um apanhado de faixas pegadas, uma verdadeira coalisão entre a sonoridade dos Strokes com o Editors. Digamos, um Garage/Post-punk ou vice-versa.
01 Ludwig XIV
02 It's Alright
03 Reverberation
04 Get the Picture
05 I Found Love
06 Oh Woman...
07 Losing My Mind
08 I Might Be Evil
09 Amsterdam
10 Where's Your Pride
11 Masculine Disposition

O Killers realiza no single "Joseph, Better You Than Me" mais um grande esforço para que seus fãs esqueçam "Hot Fuss". Desta vez com a nobre parceria de Elton John.
01 - Joseph, Better You Than Me

Synth com influências de new wave e electro. Os dois pés e as duas mãos calcados nos 80's. Destaque para a participação do mestre David Gahan.
"FrYars debut album Dark Young Hearts will be released in March 2009. New track 'Visitors' - featuring Depeche Mode's Dave Gahan on backing vocals"
Myspace Release
01 - Visitors

Thom Hell vem da Noruega com um indie-pop suave, com muitos elementos acústicos. " God If I Saw Her Now" traz influências de Nick Drake, Tom Petty, Burt Bacharach e Paul Simon. Tudo devidamente diluído por um potente filtro pop. Ao longo das 13 faixas, algumas agradam pelo tom nostálgico, como "Darling", enquanto outras seriam melhores se viessem riscadas. "Don't Let Go " é uma delas, algo quase disco-pesadelo.
01 One Step
02 Don't Let Go
03 Alone
04 Falling Down
05 A Day & A Half
06 Hold You
07 Darling
08 Better Off
09 Never Come Back
10 You Should Not Go There
11 Carry Me Easy
12 My Heart Is Longing For A Soul
13 Don't Leave Me Heather

Indie sem comentários ou acréscimos... boa compilação de b-sides e demos.
01 If I Die Tonight
02 Jealous Kind Of Love
03 Death By Numbers
04 Devil Town
05 Sometimes
06 Beating
07 Red Alert
08 Rocks And Daggers
09 To Cyril At Crunkmas
10 I Do Fine
11 Girlfriend In A Coma
12 5 Years Time (Sweets for My Sweet Version)
13 If My Album Sold a Million
14 Jocasta (Huw Stephens Session)
15 You Can Call Me Al
16 2 Bodies 1 Heart (Demo)
17 Jocasta (Demo)
18 Rocks And Daggers (Demo)

02.Come Saturday
03.Young Adult Friction
04.This Love is Fucking Right
05.The Tenure Itch
06.Stay Alive
07.Everything With You
08.A Teenager in Love
09.Hey Paul
10.Gentle Sons

"Extended Play '07" é um trabalho ímpar na carreira do Placebo. Aliàs, seria ímpar em qualquer carreira. A questão é: não pode ser considerado uma coletânea porque mutilaria grandes canções que destacaram a banda. Por outro lado, também não é um "Live", embora tenha algumas faixas ao vivo. Segundo a assessoria da gravadora, a idéia do Ep era promover a banda para a turnê nos EUA. O intuito parece estranho, já que o Placebo tem muitos hits. Se o formato é digno de interrogação, a qualidade das músicas, o feeling e a pegada dos caras continua presente em cada uma das faixas. É preciso acrescentar, inclusive, o mérito de canções como "Nancy Boy" e "Every You, Every Me" que permanecem atuais, mesmo após inúmeras audições ao longo de uma década.
01 Nancy Boy
02 Every You, Every Me
03 Taste In Men
04 The Bitter End
05 Meds (Feat. Alison Mosshart)
06 Pure Morning (Live from Arras)
07 Infra-red (Live from NImes)
08 Running Up That Hill (Live from Santiago)

Se você deseja ver o chão tremer ou incomodar a velha chata da sua vizinha, "Big Ideas" é altamente indicado. LCD Soundsystem e quatro "Big Ideas ". Boa combinação! Preste atenção na terceira faixa: absurda!
01 Big Ideas (album version)
02 Big Ideas (radio edit)
03 Big Ideas (extendend mix)
04 Big Ideas (extended instrumental)

"Decent Work For Decent Pay" é um competente disco de remixes que, por meio de sua seleção, repassa um pouco o que rolou em 2008. Bacaninha...
01 Diplo - Newsflash (feat. Sandra Melody)
02 Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger (Diplo Work Is Never Never Over Remix)
03 M.I.A. - Paper Planes (Diplo Remix)
04 Spank Rock - Put That Pussy On Me (Diplo Tonite Remix)
05 Kano - Reload It
06 Diplo - 200
07 Bloc Party - Where Is Home? (Diplo Remix)
08 CSS - Lets Make Love….. (Diplo Remix)
09 Bonde Do Role - Solta O Frango
10 Samim - Heater (Diplo Extended Edit)
11 Hot Chip - Shake A Fist (Diplo Remix)
12 Diplo - Way More Brazil
13 Black Lips - Veni Vidi Vici (Diplo Remix)
14 Claude Vonstroke - The Whistlerz (Diplo Remix)
15 Diplo - Smash a Kangaroo
16 Peter, Bjorn & John - Young Folks (Diplo Youngest Folks Remix)

Dirty! Electro-techno-funk!
1. Skydive from venus
2. Message from overkill
3. Crystal
4. Public announcement
5. Rolling papers 'n' bush
6. Earth hoes
7. 50000 legions
8. Singing by numbers
9. Chitown shuffle
10. Butt market

Yael é uma francesa de Paris que mora há algum tempo em Israel. Essa moça na casa dos trinta anos é dona de uma voz incomum e conseguiu tornar audível "Toxic", hit de Britney Spears. A versão está em seu debut, que segue uma linha harmonica de indie-pop/folk com pianos e canções lentas, porém bastante emotivas.
01 - Paris
02 - Too long
03 - New soul
04 - Levater
05 - Shelcha
06 - Lonely
07 - Far far
08 - Yashanti
09 - 7 baboker
10 - Lachlom
11 - Toxic
12 - Pachad
13 - Endless song of happiness

Novo single do The Fray. A banda mantém o padrão que lhe proporcionou sucesso, ou seja, indie comercial, voltado para o público de seriados como "Gossip Girl" e similares.
01 - You Found Me

"When The Strokes' hiatus began taking longer than expected, Nikolai reached into an old shoebox of poems and rants written years ago. With his free time, he began adapting them to music. Enlisting the help of South, a UK band introduced to him by a friend, Nickel Eye recorded some demos at South Studios in Hackney, London. With some guest appearances by Nick Zinner of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Regina Spektor, their debut album was completed a few months later in New York City.
The album was written and produced by Nickel Eye. It is musically inspired by some of his favourite artists, such as Neil Young, Frank Black, Leonard Cohen and The Kinks. The artwork is reminiscent of Lynd Ward's Gods' Man, a collection of woodcuts considered to be one of the first graphic novels. The lyrics and theme for The Time of the Assassins found their impetus during a road trip across the United States of America when Nikolai was nineteen.
Nickel Eye are: Nikolai Fraiture - guitar & vocals, Joel Cadbury - bass & backing vocals, Jamie McDonald - guitar & backing vocals, Dan Radclyffe - drums and Tom Phillips - keyboards."
I Like Music
1. Intro (Every Time)
2. You And Everyone Else
3. Back From Exile
4. Fountain Avenue
5. This Is The End
6. Dying Star
7. Brandy Of The Damned
8. Providence, RI
9. Where The Cold Wind Blows
10. Another Sunny Afternoon
11. Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye
"Bon Iver had one of the best albums of 2008 with For Emma, Forever Ago . It was his first album and it was recorded in a cabin with little help from outside sources. I'm looking forward to hearing his new material, and I'm hoping all this attention hasn't changed his music."
1. Blood Bank
2. Beach Baby
3. Babys
4. Woods

"Russell e Ron Mael estão na periferia da música pop há tanto tempo que a esta altura é fácil para um disco como Exotic Creatures of the Deep passar despercebido. O que é uma pena, já que não são muitos que têm uma carreira tão sólida quanto os Sparks. 38 anos e 21 álbuns depois, pode-se dizer que os irmãos Mael jamais gravaram nada do qual se envergonharem e seguem mostrando a mesma disposição e integridade que garante que possam embarcar em projetos como um álbum produzido por Giorgio Moroder no auge da disco (o excelente Number 1 in Heaven) ou outro apenas com regravações de algumas das suas canções mais conhecidas (o divertidíssimo Plagiarism) sem que com isso alguém questione exatamente o que os Mael estão fazendo. Então que fique claro que a falta de atenção dada a Exotic Creatures of the Deep é a perda da mídia, 2008 não deverá ter muitos álbuns tão envolventes e espertos quanto este.
As primeiras faixas, como “Good Morning” e “Strange Animal”, reforçam que os Mael seguem construindo variações sob o pop sinfônico que depuraram à perfeição em Lil’Beethoven (2002): estão lá ás mesmas melodias que conseguem ser ao mesmo tempo grudentas e imprevisíveis, as letras de sempre em que o senso de humor bem sacado vem acompanhado de uma sempre presente melancolia. Exotic Creatures of the Deep, como muitos discos dos Sparks, se assemelha a trilha sonora de um filme fictício, sintético e de uma falsa felicidade constante. Não que se trate de um disco grave, parte do encanto dos Sparks é o prazer com que os Mael se lançam sobre suas composições; poucos discos recentes transparecem de forma tão clara o quanto a banda ama o que está fazendo quanto este."
Revista Paisà ( read more )
1. Intro
2. Good Morning
3. Strange Animal
4. I Can’t Believe That You Would Fall For All The Crap In This Song
5. Let The Monkey Drive
6. Intro Reprise
7. I’ve Never Been High
8. (She Got Me) Pregnant
9. Lighten Up, Morrissey
10. This Is The Renaissance
11. The Director Never Yelled “Cut“
12. Photoshop
13. Likeable

"Kyte are a band from Leicestershire, my home county, and a band I have been following for a year or so now. After a pretty successful mini-album (in the arsty music sphere at least) they are releasing a new EP, often a tricky job.
Despite having kept both an ear and an eye on them in recent times the opening track is a little surprising. ‘Eyes Lose Their Fire’ is a perfect autumnal song. Filled with a wistful happiness, the vocals are whispered as if they were freezing on a cold November air, while musically it evokes images of curling up by a roaring fire with those you hold dear and a hot drink. It’s got a very Sigur Rós feel to it. Thoroughly delightful but not the familiar Kyte.
Second track, ‘Bridges In The Sky’, returns to the Kyte I recognise, electronic twiddles and IDM glichiness creating a broad soundscape, and the remaining couple of tracks on the EP follow suit.
The third number is a cover of Peter Gabriel’s ‘Solsbury Hill’, clocking in just shy of six minutes. The bleeps and tings sound like electronic icicles. An interesting take an old classic, the vocals delivered in a hush voice making it quite a chilling experience."
The Music Magazine ( read more )
1. Eyes Lose Their Fire
2. Bridges In The Sky
3. Solsbury Hill
4. Lights Outside Here

"Use Somebody" é o novo single de trabalho do Kongs Of Leon. Maduro e coeso, mantém a pegada alt-country-rock do album.
01 - Use Somebody
02 -Knocked Up (Lykke Li Vs Rodeo Remix)

Hot tunes!
1. Dull Flame Of Desire Modeselektor's RMX For Girls
2. Dull Flame Of Desire Modeselektor's RMX For Boys
3. Dull Flame Of Desire Mark Stent Album Mix
4. Dull Flame Of Desire Video/Radio Edit
5. Dull Flame Of Desire Mark Stent Instrumental
6. Innocence Sinden Remix

"But is it all sex, drugs, rock and rave for Trash Fashion? "Yeah it is," says Jet, "but the sex is mainly posh wanks, the drugs are mainly paracetamol, the rave is one we're not on the list for, and the rock is made of granite."
Oyster Magazine
1. Beat Goes Round
2. Why Can't We Be Friends
3. We Go To War
4. Spread The Love
5. Night Of Error
6. Rabbit In The Headlights
7. Mom And Daddy
8. Rave Dave
9. I Got Slimed
10. Tight Body
11. Uphill Struggle
12. What Am I Supposed To Do

"Libertania" é mais um registro absurdamente inovador e mesmo assim familiar produzido pelo insano Kristian Craig Robinson, leia-se Capitol K. Para apenas duas faixas, o estrago é enorme. "Libertania" é uma festa New Wave com barulhos psicodélicos e refrão pop. Já "Go Go Go" é aquele tipo de música arrasa quarteirão.
"Kristian Craig Robinson AKA Capitol K is on a quest to find a utopia with-in sound. Sonic tourism, detournement (deviation of course), psycho geographic wandering found sound and Tropical fantasy influence his music which comprises of deft electronics falseto vocals, guitar and tape noises.
Recent years he’s spent much of his time living writing and recording in squats and places soon to be demolished. The recordings collected from this period form his 5th album ‘Notes from life on the wire with a wrecking ball’ out 8th September 2008. For 'Notes From....' Recordings were performed alongside highly skilled Italian Jazz Drummer Vladimiro Carboni and Brazilian guitarist Felipe Pagani, whom he met while playing electronics for Tropicalist act Cibelle touring the world in 2006.
Capitol K has released 5 full length albums in his 9 year music career, Debuting with a 12” e.p on ‘Elf Cut’ (1999). Planet Mu released two groundbreaking electronic albums. His debut, “Sounds Of The Empire” (1999) and “Island Row” (2000) which placed Capitol K at the forefront of the burgeoning electronic scene. XL records saw an even further reaching potential and picked up his re-edited “Island Row” album in 2002, even bagging Jo Whiley’s single of the week on daytime Radio 1 for the track “Pillow”.
Increasing his artistic vision yet further by setting up his own “Faith And Industry” label in 2003. Releasing the first E.P & album by Patrick Wolf and future Capitol K releases 'Happy Happy' 2004 (a most faux album, something of a reaction) and 'Nomad Junk' 2005 a sonic narrative that journeys trough a progressive asian megatropolis, much source material collected from hong kong junk shops and dictaphones while playing gigs in Japan and Taiwan."
Myspace Release
01 - Libertania
02 - Go Go Go

O Mobius Band é um trio que surgiu do Brooklyn e vem a confirmar a teoria sobre a qualidade musical daquela parte específica em Nova Iorque. "Heaven" foi lançado em 2007, mas não foi merecidamente hypado pela imprensa especializada. Parece curioso porque não há como ignorar 10 faixas em que o trio esbanja um indie-rock competente, direto e objetivo. De fato, sutileza e descrição é uma qualidade rara. Mas, bom gosto suficiente para escolher belos timbres e acordes de guitarra sem qualquer deslize em todo album diz algo sobre estes caras. Escute e confirme.
"From Brooklyn, by way of backwoods Massachusetts, Mobius Band deliver an interesting and compelling mash-up of indie-rock and indietronica on their sophomore release, Heaven. This follow-up to their 2005 debut full-length, The Loving Sounds of Static, finds the Mobius Band yes, less ‘static-y’ than before, but also more upbeat. That comes as something of a surprise, considering that in the interval, one member’s father died, and one had his girlfriend run off with another friend. But singer/guitarist Ben Sterling and singer/bassist Peter Sax carried on forward, with the help of drummer Noam Schatz’s ‘circuit bends’ – toy keyboards whose insides have been intentionally short-circuited to create new sounds. Heaven is definitely heavier on the electronic side than on the rock one, sometimes a step or two too heavy, but overall, the mix works quite well."
QRO Magazine ( read more )
"Mobius Band links lattices of guitar with wistful vocals and disorienting electronics."
New York Times
""Tinkly tones are at the center of Mobius Band's synth-rock, evoking music boxes and toy pianos. Yet Heaven, which deserves to be the Brooklyn trio's breakthrough release, isn't limited by dainty timbres. Mobius Band's brand of synth-rock has muscle."
Washington Post
“Sounds like the French Kicks' Trial of the Century melded with a half stoned Julian Casablancas singing for the Postal Service. This is high- experimentalism and the Brooklyn outfit seems hell-bent on tweaking traditionalism...Mobius Band is well on its way."
1 - Hallie
2- Secret Language
3- A Hint of Blood
4- Leave the Keys in the Door
5- Friends Like These
6- Control
7- Tie a Tie
8- Under Sand
9- Black Spot
10- I Am Always Waiting

O projeto alemão Midnight Resistance iniciou seu trabalho em 2007 através de Nico. Algum tempo depois, juntaram-se a ele Greg e Gorden. A linha musical de "Remote" segue os padrões de Synth-pop 80's, atualizado com os 90's. Soa como uma banda dos 90 tocando Depeche Mode. Parece estranho, mas o resultado final é bacana.
"Midnight Resistance ist ein Anfang 2007 von Nico F. gegründetes Musikprojekt welches sich dem Electro-Wave / Synthrock-Genre verschrieben hat. Atmosphärische Sounds treffen auf emotionales Songwriting, melodiös, eingängig, zugleich auch tanzbar und Clubtauglich.
Nico hat schon vorher in diversen Bands gespielt, z.B bei ReActivate (SPR), bevor er beschloß seine eigene Band ins Leben zu rufen und komplett im Bandeigenen „Black-Mirror-Studio“ selbst zu produzieren.
Live und im Studio wird er von Greg (Keyboards, u.a. bei den Infacted-Bands Reaper und Modulate) und dem Gitarristen Gorden unterstützt.
Schon nach kurzer Zeit wurde ein Plattenvertrag mit dem amerikanischen Label „A Different Drum“ unterzeichnet.
Schon nach kurzer Zeit wurde ein Plattenvertrag mit dem amerikanischen Label „A Different Drum“ unterzeichnet.
Das Midnight Resistance Debut-Album „Remote“ ist im August 2008 erschienen und weltweit erhältlich. "
Myspace Release
"Midnight Resistance was formed by Nico in the beginning of the year 2007. As a former member of ReActivate, he was involved in the production and composing on their album “Reactivate your Mind” (Synthetic Product Records). After he has left the band he decided to found a solo-project to realize his musical visions and uses his skills to produce Midnight Resistance on his own. His music merges different styles, electronic soundscapes with a blend of guitars, danceable, atmospheric, paired with emotional songwriting, to create a collection of innovative and unique songs. After a few months he has signed a contract with the U.S.-label “A Different Drum”.Since the end of 2007 MR has got a new live-lineup consisting of Gorden (Guitars) and Greg (Synthesizers).
Now Nico is focusing on writing new songs after the release of his debut-album Remote.
Midnight Resistance will also contribute songs to different compilations and doing remixes and other productions in their Black Mirror-Studio. "
Myspace Release
1. Edge Of Time
2. Recall These Days
3. Second Skin
4. House Of Cards
5. Wide Awake
6. Phoenix
7. A Tear In Every Moment
8. Remote
9. Cold Reading
10. Scars From Falling Down
11. Second Skin (Sidechain-Mix)
12. A Tear In Every Moment (People Theatre-Mix)

Banda sueca que apresenta em seu debut um indie-rock com vertentes pop. Transparecem ao longo de 15 faixas influências de bandas como Snow Patrol, Sude, Kent e algo de Radiohead antes do Kid A. No entanto, a primazia do grupo na construção de melodias realmente pop e refrões emotivos tem mérito e demonstram que o Windupdeads tem potencial para alçar voôs maiores. Bom trabalho!
"The Windupdeads formed in 2007 and released their self-titled debut album in october 2008 by american label One Eleven Records. In Europe the album is released by The Unit. The song Reverse of Shade has recently gained attention through the television series Gossip Girl and The Windupdeads also have two songs placed in the next season of Kyle X/Y. The band will tour Sweden late 2008 and Germany early 2009. UK and US tour will be announced soon. The Windupdeads consist of Rickard Olsén (lead vocals), Petter Ingman (guitar), Jonas Westholm (Bass) and Marcus von Boisman (Drums, backing vocals)."
Myspace Release
1. Intro
2. Options
3. A Few Hours Of Light
4. The End
5. On Your Way Out
6. No Denial (Murderer)
7. Sunblock
8. Wide Open Windows
9. Reverse Of Shade
10. Band Tuning
11. No Actions No Regrets
12. I'll Pay You Back Someday
13. You Can Sleep When You're Dead
14. The Bottom Of Hell
15. Hell

Electro and Synth...funky!
"HK119 is the solo project of Heidi Kilpelainen, a Finnish-born multitalented writer-singer-producer and visual arts graduate of London’s St Martin’s College…as Björk once stated in Q Magazine “the perfect blond woman”. Drawing influence from early David Bowie and Kraftwerk among myriad others, ‘Fast Cheap & Out Of Control’ is a tongue-in-cheek warning of sorts, issued in the common language of pop music and featuring the production talents of Dean Honer and Jarrod Gosling of I Monster/All Seeing I and Simon Duffy (Leftfield engineer). The Lucas-inspired name HK119 is itself a product code – an attempt to bring awareness to the contradictions of our society and the increasing alienation of modern man. With this, her second album, she touches upon contemporary themes such as space travel, celebrity culture, cloning, surveillance, global warming, mind control, deviant technology, and other such light hearted issues… However, to dwell too much on these is to miss the point; the resultant product is an album of uncompromising, thought-provoking futuro-pop which pleases and disturbs in equal measure, from the dark but joyous swing of ‘Tropikalia’ and the anxious rumble of ‘What Am I’ to the instantly accessible pop of album opener ‘Mind’ and first single ‘C’est La Vie’. The fact that such heady subjects combine in an album that remains cohesive and enjoyable is testament to Kilpelainen’s talent as a true artist. Striking in attire and fascinated by the concepts of modernism and the possibilities of what can be seen as but a merely trashy medium, HK119 is a wilfully unique star for our far-flung times, and one that demands immediate investigation."
Myspace Release
1. Mind
2. Celeb
3. C'est La Vie
4. Clone
5. Rules & Regulations
6. Liberty
7. Space Pt 1
8. Divine
9. Cryonics
10. Super Bug
11. Tropikalia
12. Health & Safety
13. What Am I
14. Space Pt 2
15. Avaruusasema
16. Night

"The appeal of Bang! Bang! Eche! is not their recorded music, but the live show and ‘scene’ that goes with it. That said, their recently released self-titled EP is a selfaware, raucous synth-rock party, and despite sounding similar to what’s gone before it’s got great potential. Vocalist Zach Doney can carry a song - if not a note - with charm and ease, and their songs build nicely into solid party anthems (“We’ve got a beat and we know how to use it”), even though most of their lyrics rip the shit out of the crowd they appeal to most (“fuck your scene … trashy glamour, fall down the stairs”)".
Salient ( read more )
1. 4 To The Floor
2. Time Mismanagement
3. Nikee
4. (You And Me) As Thick As Thieves
5. Fingers In The Till

"L.A. EP 2 X 3 consists of other folks' remixes of tracks from Flying Lotus' 2008 full-length Los Angeles, and Warp will release the disc on December 9."
A1 Robertaflack (Martyn's Heart Beat Mix)
A2 Sleepy Dinosaur (Ras G Remix)
A3 Camel (Nosaj Thing Remix)
B1 Grapesicles (Samiyam Remix)
B2 Robertaflack (Mike Slott Reflunk)
B3 Secrets (Soundmurderer Refix)

01 slut - virus
02 the modern lovers - hospital
03 editors - bullets
04 mansun - king of beauty
05 the bardots - english lovers
06 white town - your woman
07 air - sexy boy
08 clinic - distortions
09 suede - simon
10 vampire weekend - exit music (for a film)
11 television personalities - you kept me waiting too long
12 wilco - radio cure
13 elbow - some riot
14 goldspot - so fast
15 manic street preachers - if you tolerate this...
16 placebo - holocaust
17 guillemots - cool cold moon
18 ballboy - sex is boring
19 the twilight sad - climbing up the walls
20 willy mason - oxygen

"It's the albums that require multiple listens that usually yield the most reward. I'm on my tenth rotation of Chad VanGaalen's new album Soft Airplane and while I'd hesitate to say I've completely wrapped my head around the material, I'm going to give this review a (most likely insufficient) attempt. Hailing from Calgary, Alberta, VanGaalen is a freakishly talented person. In addition to his impressive work as a musician, he's also a highly regarded illustrator and animator. His explosive creative energy is always at play in his music and on his new album Soft Airplane VanGaalen exhibits that creativity in spades. What makes VanGaalen so unique is his no-boundaries use of instrumentation and sound. He's as adept at penning a banjo-driven folk tune as he is at turning the electro-experimentalism knob to full throttle. Yet somehow all the genre-mixing sounds cohesive."
Mog ( read more )
1. Willow Tree
2. Bones of Man
3. Cries of the Dead
4. Inside the Molecules
5. Bare Feet on Wet Griptape
6. Phantom Anthills
7. Poisonous Heads
8. TMNT Mask
9. Molten Light
10. Old Man + the Sea
11. City of Electric Light
12. Rabid Bits of Time
13. Frozen Energon

"The album was recorded, crucially, in his father’s log cabin, out in the woods of North-east Wisconsin, about 70 miles from Vernon’s hometown of Eau Claire. In November 2006, after his band DeYarmond Edison (no, me neither) broke up, Vernon headed up to the cabin for three months, planning to “hibernate”. As the weather got colder, he found his own food, chopped down trees for wood, collected his thoughts and formulated them into a suite of songs. Some extra drums and horns were added later, in a studio in Raleigh, North Carolina. Fundamentally, though, For Emma, Forever Ago is a genuinely solo record."
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1. Flume
2. Lump Sum
3. Skinny Love
4. The Wolves (Act I and II)
5. Blindsided
6. Creature Fear
7. Team
8. For Emma
9. Re: Stacks

Black Tie Dynasty is a american Post-Punk revival band. "Forever" is a collection of Black Tie Dynasty hot tracks and singles.
01 - Crime
02 - Die
03 - Tender
04 - Lakes
05 - Devotion
06 - I Like You
07 - Landspeed
08 - Bloody

The Argument é um duo sueco de indie-pop esperto. Um grande acerto destes carinhas é não trilhar o caminho fácil das canções ensolaradas e procurar temas mais complexos, que demonstrem influências musicais variadas, tais como o folk na balada "What I Like", por exemplo e a psicodelia travestida de suaves toques alt-country em "Forget About the Politics" e "The Rumor".
Listen: "The Rumor"; "What I Like"; "The Boat"; "Forget About the Politics" and "Beluga"
01 the next song is called forget about the politics
02 forget about the politics
03 what i like
04 messages
05 beluga
06 the air i breathe
07 it's how eager you are
08 the tide
09 a critical introduction
10 the boat
11 women in danger
12 the rumor

"One Of Kind" segue a mesma linha musical do já bem sucedido single "Dark Blue". A diferença, no caso, é que "One Of Kind" não traz a mesma inspiração. Mesmo assim, o Clearlake apresenta um trabalho muito acima da média e surpreendente.
01 - One Of A Kind
Obscuro. Chocante. "Dark Blue" é a coalisão entre a psicodelia 60's, o shoegaze e o indie. Este single é essencial.Hot!
01 - Dark Blue