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Anote: "To Lose My Life" do White Lies é um dos grandes albuns de estréia lançados na última década. Tal como "Is This It" dos Strokes, embora com outra proposta musical, este debut que carrega 10 faixas clássicas desde já, irá colocar novamente em evidência uma banda oriunda do circuito indie. Se é New-Grave ou Post-Punk tanto faz, porque o estrago que esses rapazes da Inglaterra fazem em menos de 45 minutos é absurdo, pode ter certeza.
2.To Lose My Life
3.A Place to Hide
4.Fifty On Our Foreheads
5.Unfinished Business
7.From The Stars
8.Farewell to the Fairground
9.Nothing to Give
10.The Price of Love

1. Ulysses
2. Turn It On
3. No You Girls
4. Twilight Omens
5. Send Him Away
6. Live Alone
7. Bite Hard
8. What She Came For
9. Can't Stop Feeling
10. Lucid Dreams
11. Dream Again
12. Katherine Kiss Me

01. Blood Still Beats
02. On The Edge Of A Dream
03. Halo
04. Heroes
05. Drop The Ball Now
06. My Busy Mind
07. Once Again
08. Why Can'tyou Forget
09. Reaching Out
10. Something's Gotta Give (I Could've Sworn I Saw The Light There)

Indie-Pop! Wow!
1. Rolling Sea
2. Sister
3. Everyday
4. Through the Front Door
5. Down from Above
6. On the Other Side
7. More of This
8. Another Reason to Go
9. Strictly Rule
10. At Forest Edge

“If you’re crying out for substance in music, The Boxer Rebellion are here to soothe your soul.”
“Flawless melodic escapism that plunges so deep it should come equipped with a bungie rope.”
The Fly Magazine
“Pathological noise-rush warfare. This band can alter your life.”
01- Flight
02- All You Do Is Talk
03- We Have The Place Surrounded
04- Watermelon
05- The New Heavy
06- World Without End
07- Never Knowing How Or Why
08- Lay Me Down
09- Cowboys And Engines
10- The Absentee

Slow and sad.
"Evertonian frontman, started writing songs about personal tragedy and the ups and downs of EFC. People sat up and took notice so we have released several sides of music now. Can't see the real need for anymore music but I keep committing my thoughts to tape so they get released. We rarely play because I can't stand it really, too painful. I do like playing in Europe though its fun. Lots of press coverage from around the world but keeping it fairly low key as I work with offenders and that means more to me that the music unfortunately."
MySpace Release
01. One Day Without Harming You
02. This Failing Sea
03. Hands Swollen With Grace
04. A Quietly Gathering Tragedy
05. All The Love I Had Was Not Enough
06. Very Early One Morning Nn Old Road
07. The End of Trying-Part i
08. The End of Trying-Part ii
09. The End of Trying-Part iii
10. The End of Trying-Part iv
11. Een Langzaam Lekkende Wond
12. The Night Keeps Coming In
13. How Could You Let Ge Ho
14. Second Hand Light
15. Things We Lost Along The Way
16. Z-cars
Indie-Rock melancólico com influências Post-Punk.
01 Parasole spadochrony
02 Temeperatura topnienia
03 Nervova

Indie-Rock afiado.
01 I won't lie to you
02 Song For Abba Tribute Record
03 I'm ok you're ok
04 Quazar Blues
05 I Want To Be In Hüsker Dü
06 Let's (Fucking) Wrestle
07 Song for Man with Pica Syndrome
08 Insects
09 Music is my girlfriend
10 Joe Reddington you'll be the death of me
11 Tanks
12 It's not going to happens
13 Song for old people
14 I'm in fighting mode
15 Heartbreaker
16 Diana's hair

Indie-pop leve e bacana. Bem ao gosto das fm's inglesas.
01. All That She Wants (Ace of Bace Cover)
02. Crazy (Gnarls Barkley Cover)
03. Despair In The Departure Lounge (Arctic Monkeys Cover)
04. Just Like A Woman (Bob Dylan)
05. Roxanne (The Police Cover)
06. Sweet Jane (The Velvet Underground) / Beast of Burden (The Rolling Stones)
07. Victoria (The Kinks Cover)
08. Violet Hill (Coldplay Cover)
09. Young Folks (Peter, Bjorn, and John Cover)

Indie From Manchester.
1. Can't See The Faces 5:55
2. Lullaby 4:18
3. Up In The Clouds 3:46
4. Runaway Town 3:43
5. You Don't Know 4:28
6. Don't Want To Be Apart 3:28
7. Thick Skin 4:17
8. Lucid 3:55
9. With Me 2:16
10. Vice And Virtue 9:28