Ghostland Observatory é um projeto americano de New Wave/Synth-pop de Austin. É um pouco divertido, meio Daft Punk com Bowie 80's, mas nada mais do que isso.
"Ghostland Observatory is not a band, but an agreement between two friends to create something that not only heals their beat-driven hearts, but pleases their rock ‘n roll souls. Taking the working man’s approach, Ghostland Observatory spend countless hours in their south Austin studio. They have released two albums in less than a year, and have moved audiences from coast to coast with their live performances and unique style. Ghostland Observatory is the duo of front man Aaron Behrens and producer/drummer Thomas Turner. Behrens’ vocal style and stage performances are unique and uncompromising, and he has drawn early comparisons to Freddie Mercury and Prince. Turner is heavily influenced by electronic artists such as Daft Punk, Laurent Garnier and Green Velvet, as well as rockers such as The Animals, David Bowie, and The Clash. With their spectral blend of electronics, drums, guitar and vocals, they have emerged with a sound that is the culmination of past influence and present inspiration, and can only be described as BALLSY."
Myspace Release
3.Heavy Heart
4.No Place For Me
5.Freeheart Lover
6.Dancin On My Grave
7.Robotique Majestique
8.The Band Marches On
9.Holy Ghost White Noise
11Club Soda
"Robotique Majestique, which opens with the instrumental "Opening Credits" and includes meandering instrumentals for nearly a third of its 39 minutes, could have worked well as the score of a 1981 techno-horror shlock-fest. "Dancin' on My Grave"-- passable synth pop that circles around a solid hook without ever landing-- would have run under the closing credits, but here, it's the only even slightly recommendable moment, the highlight of one song after another that finds ways to excise the energy and excitement from dance music. "Heavy Heart", the title track, and the Downward Spiral pastiche "HFM" rely on Behrens' empty vocal histrionics to carry the songs, but they don't gloss as much more than extended glam-vamps. Like hearing DLR's lonely voice doing its best in the absence of accompaniment, most of Robotique is just sort of depressing."
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